Sunday, April 11, 2010


According to an article on NPR, these guys are a Youtube sensation and are making a living from their music without ever burning a CD.  I think one of the commenters said it best:
Whether or not you like this band or think they are sellouts or posers or boring or riding others coattails is completely irrelevant. The band is an example of the possibilities opening up for the average person. Social media and the internet are revamping the entertainment industry. Giving artistic control back to the artists where it belongs. Its an example of how a good product can sell itself.

Record labels take good product make it as emotionally manipulative as possible and then cram it down everyone's throats until they can't bare to turn the radio on anymore. That's not art, it's mind control. Then while they are bleeding the artist dry they pay them 5% of the profits and make billions for the industry. The record industry is a dieing beast and just like any living thing it will fight for its survival hence all the hoopla over file sharing and take down notices on Youtube. That's the death knell of business not the artists.