Monday, May 21, 2007

Only 7 Band Names Remaining

From "America's Finest News Source":
NEW YORK—According to data released Monday by the International Registry of Rock Band Names, only seven of the estimated 518 million potential names for musical acts remain available.

"Following the selection of 'The Stripped Amygdaloids,' 'A Purple Spray Of Cloth Violets,' and 'Guestowel' this past weekend, it is essential that new bands pick a name as soon as possible," read a statement on the organization's website. "Bands that wish to form after all names have been taken will be have to wait until a name becomes available, which could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 years."

While a MySpace page was created late Monday under the title Whiteboard Ether, one of the few band names left, the IRRBN has not yet confirmed whether the group has actually played any gigs.
Thanks to Jon for the heads-up!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Chevelle's Gear Stolen

Spread the word...
We regret to inform you that Chevelle is unable to perform remaining scheduled tour dates
(until further notice) due to the entire trailer full of our gear getting STOLEN TODAY
05/09/2007 from the Clarion Dallas Park Central hotel at approx 11:00 A.M.

If anyone has any information, or sees a light gray KZ Cargo trailer, with an Illinois plate 57002. Please call 911 or your local police authority.

Most items are labeled "Chevelle" and if you notice anything suspicious on ebay or other online resellers selling "authentic" Chevelle items...guitar, basses, drums amplifiers, risers, backdrops, tee shirts... please call the police... or email:

Thank you for your support and understanding. Lets catch these crooked &^*^%!!!