Thursday, January 25, 2007

Daytrotter and others

Just read about Daytrotter in Wired (they're also mentioned in a Wired blog from last year). These guys bring indie rock bands into the studio and record songs to post on their website. They also have interviews, reviews, and some other stuff. One of our future featured bands, Headlights, was just featured on Daytrotter. We're shooting them Feb. 2 at The Highdive in Champaign, IL.
Daytrotter had a link to the Take Away Shows, a French site that takes bands out in the street and shoots one long shot of the band playing, then posts the videos as podcasts.

On a related note, I got an email from a guy that hosts a video podcast of indie hip-hop videos (independentmvc). We've produced a couple of rap videos, so we've thought about doing a Banddot-style rap site, but he's already doing it - also in the Midwest (Ohio), just like Daytrotter and Banddot.

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