Friday, February 16, 2007

More on DRM

Tech blog Engadget has a good follow-up to all the DRM controversy of late. Here's a paragraph:
Sandisk -- the number 2 audio player maker in the US -- had the gall to blow kisses and bat their eyes in the direction of the Big Four even after publicly chastising their use of DRM just a few weeks prior. Then the RIAA demonstrated their utter befuddlement by welcoming Jobs' non-existent offer to license FairPlay. Most poetically, Warner Music CEO Edgar Bronfman chimed in to call Jobs' DRM fight "without logic" -- this, from the man who admits that he's "fairly certain" his own children have pirated music, while simultaneously shielding them from his very own RIAA henchmen who merrily and routinely sue other children and their parents for the same crime. More recently, Macrovision's CEO Fred Amoroso presented a pro-DRM argument so fudged it was difficult to tell whether or not he was joking.
Tech geeks sure hate DRM - that's good for indies. Here's one comment from someone named Trent:
I'm coming up on my 9th year of no RIAA purchases. I would love to be able to buy music again but at this point, but I'm not sure that I would, even if there was no DRM. DRM is most assuredly what is stopping my purchases, but at this point, I just want to see the end of the RIAA.

If it were possible for me to buy from the band directly and to feel comfortable that the money is going to the band, I might unleash the wallet again.

Right now I am comfortable supporting my local Houston music scene because I can control where the money goes.

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